On January 14th, 2020, General Manager Mohamed Denbarno, and Audreyanna Pratt, Executive Secretary of the Houston Branch, Guma Bunaaga Chairman of Management Committee, Ramadhan Gridie Member of Administration & Finance Committee and Sherif Moyhedin Medical Services Manager of Oil Clinic – Tripoli met with Memorial Hermann Manager of Hospital Operation – International Department, Salam F. Waqialla, in Houston Texas Medical Center, TX. USA. The meeting included a presentation of the services that are provided for International patients, medical student observation program(s) a tour of the hospital and its specialty wings.
In conclusion of meeting with Memorial Hermann a partnership will be created with Oil Clinic – Tripoli to assist with their growing needs for Healthcare and bridging contacts with Pharmaceutical Companies through Libyan National Oil Corporation Houston Branch.
Memorial Hermann Health System is a non-profit, values-driven, community-owned health system dedicated to improving health. Our Vision is to create healthier communities, now and for generations to come.